Back to School; Fit & Fresh!

The fall marks back to school for kids, preschool through college age. It’s also back to the grind for the rest of us that have enjoyed a more relaxed schedule over the summer months. Whether you have kids in school or not, there is always an uptick in illnesses this time of year. The best way to not miss work or school is to sure-up your internal defenses with a handful of simple strategies to strengthen your immune system.

The strategies are based on my 5 Elements of Health

  • Nutrition

  • Movement

  • Hydration

  • Sleep

  • Stress Reduction


Whole food nutrition is key. Avoid highly processed foods and sugar and focus on consuming Anti-Inflammatory foods. With rushed mornings it is easy to go with what’s quick or skip breakfast all together. Especially for kids, this is a recipe for disaster. Most packaged breakfast items, like Pop-Tarts and muffins are packed with sugar and processed oils and devoid of anything nutritious. Here are some quick and nutritious breakfast options.

For lunch ensure you check the box is packed with clean protein, healthy fats, fruits and vegetables to satisfy hunger and support focus through the afternoon.

  • Sandwich on higher fiber bread/wrap with nitrate-free meat and vegetables and side of fruit and mixed nuts

  • Soup/chili and side of fruit

  • Left over protein and vegetables from dinner

  • Snack lunch: rolled up deli meat, fruit, veggies and hummus, high fiber crackers and mixed nuts

Dinner can be a rush after battling the evening commute or shuttling kids to activities. A little planning over the weekend to set the menu and get some of the chopping and prep-work done pays off. Check out my Recipes page and my Anti-Inflammatory Eating Guide for some menu ideas.


Movement helps to boost the immune system by moving lymphatic fluid, balancing blood sugar, helping with sleep and reducing stress.

What type of exercise is best?

  • The one you enjoy!

When is the best time to exercise?

  • What ever time you are able to do it consistently.

Movement does not have to be “exercise.” Walking is a great way to incorporate movement into your day consistently. Walk to / from work or school or when running errands. Park farther from buildings and take the stairs when the elevator is an option. Take phone calls on a head set and walk around while you talk.


Did you know >65% of Americans are chronically dehydrated??

Check out my blog post about hydration for more details but to keep it simple, adequate hydration supports the FIRST LINE OF DEFENSE of our immune system, our skin. Dry skin cracks and in your nose that’s an open door for germs and viruses.

Hydration also helps your body flush and eliminate toxins. Think of it as 'taking out the trash’ so it doesn’t build up, back up and slow down the system.


Sleep is when our body physically rests so our internal organs, tissues and systems can repair. This rest and repair is when adaptive immune cells go to school to learn to identify and attack pathogens or the ‘bad guys.’ Insufficient sleep short and long term, weakens the immune system making you more susceptible to illness and increases your cancer risk. Read more about sleep and the immune system in this article from the Sleep Foundation.

How much sleep do I need?

How much sleep do you need? This will be no surprise to parents, but it varies by age.

Regardless of age, we all need to make sleep a priority by setting a sleep hygiene routine. Here is a simple example:

  • Avoid screens (TV, computer, tablet, phone) and/or wear amber blue-light blocking glasses after sundown.

  • Avoid eating 1-2 hours before bed. More important for adults than kids.

  • Establish a bedtime routine: bath/shower, brush teeth, book, journal, etc.

  • Keep the bedroom cool, dark and silent.

Stress Reduction

Long term stress induces inflammation and suppresses the function of the immune system increasing risk of illness and even cancer.

Check out my blog post on stress for some tips on how to manage and reduce it.

Keeping the 5 elements in mind and incorporating these strategies will help you and your family stay healthy this year and for life!

If you have questions or want help adapting these strategies to your lifestyle, send me an email at We’ll schedule a FREE call to talk about what is going on and how I can help.


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