Best Snack Bars

When looking for a healthy bar for yourself or your child to add to breakfast, lunch or have as a snack before sports, there are a LOT of options.

To find the right one for you, there are a few things to consider.

  • A snack before sports or after school should have carbohydrates and protein to provide short and longer term energy with out a huge spike in blood sugar.

  • A bar to boost protein in a meal or pair with carbohydrate to balance a meal should be higher in protein (> 10 g) and lower in carbohydrates.

  • Allergies? Read ingredient list for nuts, dairy, gluten, soy or other allergens.

  • Sensitive tummy? Sugar alcohols ( chemical sounding ingredient ending in ‘-tol' ) are indigestible sugars that cause GI issues for many.

  • Temperature? Bars with chocolate can melt in the backpack or in the gym bag making them messy to eat.

And aren’t we all picky when it comes to flavor and texture? I recommend buying individual bars first to test brands and flavors before investing in a multi-pack.

The bars in the list were chosen based on criteria I have for what I give my family.

  • >4 g protein, <10g sugar per bar

  • no artificial colors/flavors/preservatives

  • no sugar alcohols

  • No dairy for my daughter and I so there are a bunch of non-dairy options.

These bars are available at most major food retailers and on line. There are MANY flavor varieties of these so you can find the ones you and your family prefer.

Do you have a favorite clean protein or snack bar not in the list?? Send me an email so I can check it out and add to my list!

Want help finding the right bar or snack for you or your family? Give me a call!


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