How can a DETOX be a RESET for mind and body?

Many of us are better able to relate to our devices than our bodies, so I’ll use a computer example.

Your laptop or tablet gradually starts getting sluggish. It starts taking longer do save or open documents, websites take longer to load or don’t function properly. Things get “glitchy.” At first you may not notice or blame the file or site. Over time you become aware that it’s happening more frequently and becoming more annoying, having an impact on what you want to do. We have all heard the advice;


That reboot often does the trick. But Why? It allows your software to clean house. Get rid of duplicate or unnecessary files and make updates where needed.

Let’s try this analog on the body;

Things slowly start “not working right.”

  • Reaching for an afternoon snack to keep you awake and focused.

  • Feel you “just have to have something sweet after your meal.”

  • Waking up 1-2 times a night, hitting “snooze” in the morning or needing an extra cup of coffee.

  • Digestive issues: gas, bloating, heartburn, occasional constipation.

  • Muscle soreness or joints that become stiff or “crunchy.”

  • Feeling a little down or like you just can’t get excited about anything.

  • Skin issues like dry patches, redness or acne.

  • Forgetfulness or brain fog.

Any of these sound familiar? Initially it is easy to blame work or life stress, a busy week, something you ate or even the weather. When the issue doesn’t resolve and other issues start popping up it’s time to consider a health-system “reboot.”

A DETOX is just that, a reboot. A chance to clean out old junk and refresh. You can’t just turn your body off and then back on, but by avoiding inflammatory foods and toxins you are giving your liver a break and the chance to clean and heal.

Here are some things to consider eliminating during DETOX:

  • Sugar and artificial sweeteners

  • Packaged highly-processed foods and inflammatory seed oils (corn, canola, soy, “vegetable” oil)

  • Alcohol and caffeine

  • Any food or drink that you know causes digestive issues or other unusual reaction in your body. This includes gluten and dairy for most people.

  • Environmental: smoke, fumes from paint or cleaning products, exhaust from vehicles or powered equipment.

  • Emotional: Stressful situations, energy “vampires,” big projects or deadlines.

Here are things to consider ADDING to support the body during DETOX:

  • WATER - filtered, electrolytes

  • Fresh vegetables, cruciferous (broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, asparagus, brussels sprouts, etc.)

  • Lean proteins.

  • Movement: from walking or anything that makes you happy to more intense exercise.

  • Sweat: exercise, sauna, hot bath

  • Sleep: 7+ hours each night.

  • Joy/Peace: meditation, laughter

How long? It’s up to you. How many of the symptoms above did you check off? How long have you been dealing with them?

Following these recommendations for a few days will bring changes most people will notice. You can follow these recommendations continuously, though that is not realistic for most people. Starting with 7-10 days allows time for your body and mind to reset. The liver will clean out, blood sugar and digestive issues will begin to resolve, sleep and energy will improve. Feeling better supports better lifestyle choices.

How frequently you repeat a detox is again related back to the symptom burden. Many people find it helpful after a holiday or vacation when eating, drinking, sleeping and exercise are different from their regular routine. I personally find there are certain times of year my system feels sluggish and “depressed.” A detox is often the jump start that lifts me back up.

Can I add foods back that I avoided?

Reintroducing foods, drinks or products should be gradual. Once you’re feeling good, with fewer of the above symptoms, hopefully NONE, you will notice more clearly when something you eat or do does not agree with you.

Do I need to use any special shake or supplement product to DETOX?

Not really, you have a liver which does it for you. If you have many of the symptoms and have for a while, or take a lot of medications you may want to support your liver during this process with supplements or whole-food based products.

Effect of a DETOX on eating habits.

Our “Eating Habits” are about more than what we eat or drink, but why, when and how. A DETOX can help bring awareness about these other aspects as well.

When you eliminate sugar and highly-processed foods and focus on the foods recommended, you consume less sugar and starch and shift the balance toward protein, fiber and healthy fats. You also cut down on highly processed food “trigger foods” that for many encourage mindless or over-eating. This helps lower your blood sugar and over the course of a few days your body will start to develop a SUPER POWER: metabolic flexibility! Metabolic flexibility enables your body to use different sources for energy, not relying on sugar which helps stabilize blood sugar levels. Stable blood sugar reduces sugar/snack cravings between meals helping you change habits that were leading to weight gain or other symptoms.

The DETOX process also helps you think more clearly. Eating has become an automatic behavior in most western societies where food is abundant and often too readily available. Our daily habits include three meals, often snacks and our portions become automatic rather than portioning according to hunger and stopping when we’re satisfied. Avoiding inflammatory foods, especially those that spike blood sugar, enables you to be more in-tune with how our food, drink and lifestyle choices impact our body. Many people become more aware that they were eating too much or too often. This awareness enables changes to eating habits that support lifelong health.

What benefits are typical after a detox?

Depends on the starting symptom burden, length and specifics of the DETOX program. After a recent 10-day program I completed with a number of clients the following effects were shared:

  • Fewer food/sugar cravings, less hunger between meals.

  • More stable energy throughout the day.

  • Decreased inflammation: weight loss, fewer aches and pains (carpel tunnel, knee/hip/shoulder/back/neck, muscle cramps in calves/IT band/feet)

  • Digestive improvement: regularity, less gas, bloating, heartburn.

  • Better sleep, less waking during the night, better energy on waking.

  • Skin more clear, less redness

Is a DETOX something that could help you?

If you experience a number of the symptoms listed above it is likely.

Send me an email and I’m happy to talk about your specific situation with you.


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