The wisdom of Malcolm X

What are you choosing to tolerate?

This statement applies to so many aspects of life:

  • Job

  • Financial Circumstance

  • Relationships

  • Political / Social

  • and of course, your health.

I have often said that there are 3 factors that motivate people to make a change for their health.

1: Pain

2: Vanity

3: Frustration

When the pain, dissatisfaction or frustration exceed that which one is WILLING TO TOLERATE, they will be ready to make the change.

You CAN make the change.

You are responsible for your health.

There, I said it. There is no one else to blame and no one else has the power to create positive change.

Ditch the excuses and limiting beliefs that things have to be the way they are and that you’re incapable of impacting change.

Start here. Start now. Start small if you need. JUST START.


February 2023 Newsletter


The Great Deodorant Debate