What is the C.A.U.S.E. of your sleep issues?

Sleep is fundamental to health. It is when our body rests and repairs and runs a system clean-up for our cells, organs, digestion and brain.

Insufficient sleep, whether not enough hours or poor quality can cause:

  • poor mood, memory, focus

  • low energy, fatigue

  • poor blood sugar regulation, food cravings, and weight gain

  • high blood pressure

  • increased risk of accidents and injuries

  • weakened immune system

  • Increased risk for all diseases to include heart disease, diabetes, auto-immune conditions and cancer.

If this all sounds familiar to you, before you reach for sleeping pills or medications, consider what may be the C.A.U.S.E. of your poor sleep.

C - Caffeine

Avoid caffeine after noon which can include caffeinated tea, soda and dark chocolate.

A - Alcohol

Minimize or avoid alcohol as it may make you feel sleepy but disrupts sleep cycles causing deficient sleep quality.

U-under exposure to the sun or movement

Morning sunlight sets the circadian rhythm or sleep/wake cycle for the day to optimize your body’s internal clock. Incorporate bursts or ‘snacks’ of movement throughout the day to avoid being sedentary for long periods.


Avoid screens for at least one hour before bed and break up screen viewing throughout the day. The blue light from screens or bright indoor lighting stimulates cortisol and dampens melatonin, which is your sleep hormone.


Avoid eating 2-3 hours before bed and minimize sugar and processed food.

If you’re looking for tips to optimize sleep check out this Sleep Toolkit by Andrew Huberman, PhD.


ah-CHOO! How to tackle seasonal allergies.


March 2023 Newsletter