Why can’t you eat just one?  

What makes processed foods, like chips, so addictive?

It’s no surprise that processed foods are not the healthiest choices when it comes to what to eat. We are all familiar with the issues of poor quality ingredients or high sugar content. However did you know that processed foods, like chips or other salty-sweet-crunchy snack foods are DESIGNED to be ADDICTIVE?

“Once you pop, you can’t stop.”

Food scientists create these foods to have a ‘bliss point’ which is the ultimate combination of sweet, salty, and crunchy to activate dopamine in the pleasure centers in your brain. This gets you to “POP”, but why can’t you stop?

“Bet you can’t eat just one!”

Processed snack foods are also designed to have ‘vanishing caloric density’, or the ‘melt in your mouth’ sensation which means they don’t fill you up. The processing removes the water and fiber to optimize ‘mouth feel’ and shelf stability. This way you can eat and eat and eat, consuming WAY more than you would of less-processed or whole foods, and STILL EAT MORE!

Let’s look at a bag of potato chips. When you open the bag it’s at least half full of air. However the chips in a standard 8 oz bag are the equivalent of 6 whole potatoes! If you consider a typical serving of 24 chips, it’s equal to 4 potatoes. No way you would eat 4 potatoes with your turkey sandwich at lunch…but you could down a bag of chips, no problem!

The problem is that the average American, especially kids and teens, are eating a diet of >60% processed foods. Article here. We’re OVER eating but UNDER nourished, and the food manufacturers designed it to be this way.

What to do?

Avoid highly processed foods. Choose whole foods like fruits and vegetables or less processed foods like nut or seed-based crackers or crisps. These foods contain water and fiber or protein and fiber give you a crunch that IS satisfying.

If you choose to indulge in chips or other processed foods, stay mindful of the portion. Stick to smaller, single serving packages or read the serving size on the nutrition facts label and count out the chips so you do ‘eat just one’ portion.


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