Why should I care about hydration?

Have you heard the phrase “ Water, Water, Everywhere!” ?? I remember it used to be a swimwear store in the local mall, does anyone still go to the mall?

I digress, back to the point, Water is EVERYWHERE in your body!

Percentages of water in body.

When we are born our body is about 80% water that amount of water is distributed throughout the body. As we age we literally dry up. The amount of water in our body decreases and therefore the importance of hydration INCREASES!

Hydration is not just drinking water, we have to absorb the water we drink into our cells.

With age the sense of thirst diminishes and it becomes harder for the body to absorb the water into the cells, where it’s needed for critical functions.

Further dehydration is caused by

  • Medications

  • Diet high in processed and high sugar foods and low in whole, unprocessed vegetables and fruits

  • Alcohol and caffeine

  • Stress and environmental factors

How much water should you drink?

My recommendation for most adult clients is 1/2 your body weight in pounds, in ounces of water each day. Plus 12-16 oz for every hour of exercise or time spent outdoors in the heat.

Ex: 140 lb person would drink 70 ounces of water or about 8-9 cups (8 oz each) of water. If they went for a 30 minute walk and did 30 minutes of gardening they would increase to 82-86 ounces.

Do I HAVE to drink all plain water?

Can I include my coffee, iced green tea or diet coke when adding up my fluid intake?

No and No.

Caffeine and alcohol are dehydrating and actually count against your hydration fluid totals, as do highly sweetened beverages. This includes:

  • Caffeinated coffee

  • Black or green tea

  • Caffeinated sodas

  • All alcoholic beverages

  • Sweetened caffeine-free beverages like Sprite or fruit drinks can be dehydrating as well.

Though you do not have to drink plain water. You can add fruit to your water like lemons, limes or cucumbers or drink sparkling water, herbal / decaffeinated tea or coconut water.

Boost Hydration with Electrolytes

Electrolytes are minerals that add an electrical charge to water which acts like a key to unlock the cells and let the water in. They are a helpful tool to ensure adequate hydration.

Not everyone needs to use electrolytes and not all the time. You might benefit from electrolytes if you:

  • are sick, have a chronic health condition or recovering from an illness or injury.

  • worked out or spent time out doors or in the heat.

  • are over 40 years old.

  • check one or more of the “further dehydration” boxes above.

  • struggle to drink the recommended amount of water each day.

If you feel you could benefit from electrolytes you really only need to consume them 1-2 times a day. See my recommended sources of electrolytes and avoid commercial electrolyte beverages that include corn syrup, high amounts of sugar, artificial colors or flavors.

Let’s end this blog on a happy note

There are so many wonderful benefits of staying hydrated when it comes to your health. It’s one of the cheapest (ahem, FREE) and easiest things you can do daily to have an immediate impact!

If you are not drinking near the recommended amount of water each day, I recommend starting to increase your intake slowly. Aim for increasing by 8 ounces a day every 3-4 days. This will give your body and habits time to adapt to the increased intake.


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